Take part in media and information literacy training on 13.04.24 at Toila Spa Hotel
The Community Development Society in cooperation with SSCW are pleased to invite you to the first training on the topic “Media and Information Literacy”, which will take place on 13th April 2024, in Toila Spa Hotel at 11.00.
The main goal of the training is to increase media literacy and critical thinking by teaching and using innovative digital solutions/tools, and to encourage the target group to change their media behaviour by becoming digital activists and promote citizen journalism and blogging, which serves as a watchdog, holding the public and other media outlets accountable for their actions, and at the same time cooperating with others and building a more trusting and open society.
Working language: Estonian and Russian
The training is targeted at leaders and representatives of civic associations/local community, young people aged 16-26 and professionals in the fields of education, culture and media. The training “Media and Information Literacy” (MIL) is not conducted in a formal method, the content of the theoretical and practical part, but in essence an inclusive, interactive and participatory programme.
The main topics of the training are:
– Rights to freedom of information and self-expression
– Critical thinking and public (citizen) journalism
– Media content creation, using interactive MIL methods
– Blogging, social media, digital activism and crisis communication
10.30 – 11.00 Registration and welcome coffee
11.00 – 11.10 Introduction to the programme
11.10 – 12.00 Citizen journalism training 1 part: “Critical thinking and information (media) literacy?” – Irina Golikova, teacher, former freelance correspondent of Radio 4, journalist of many media publications, citizen journalist of Ida-Viru County.
12.00 – 12.30 Practical tasks and group discussions.
12.30 – 13.15 Civic journalism training 2 part: “Civic journalism and society” (Civic journalism, bloggers vs. professional journalists: is cooperation possible or not, as bloggers etc. broadcasting materials from news portals cannot replace professional journalism) – German Morris, Head of Media Literacy Programme Peace Child Eesti
13.15 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 Practical assignments and group discussions: news portals, digital and social media, journalism and the role of civil society in informing people and in cognitive information warfare.
15.00 – 15.45 Practical exercises (making a blog, writing an article)
15.45 – 16.00 Results of work and awarding of prizes
Practical information
– The training will take place at Toila Spa Hotel.
– Participation is free of charge!
– Young people with disabilities are guaranteed wheelchair access, special dietary requests and more.
Registration is open until 11.04.2024 Participation is FREE!
NB!!! PLACES ARE LIMITED! (25 places only).
More information: info@kogukond.eu
The event is part of the project “Building Resilience to Misinformation” supported by Baltic Centre for Media Excellence and Google.org